The Art of Storytelling

A storytelling workshop with Erin Dews

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 - 5.30pm - 8.15pm

Whether you'd like to incorporate storytelling into your classroom, your family's bedtime routine, around the campfire, or to go deeper in understanding and acknowledging this ancient form of wisdom keeping, lore and passing down knowledge, studying the art or storytelling will broaden perspectives, allow for a more developed imagination and increase your capacity for compassion and connectedness.

We will discuss the significance of oral storytelling in past and modern times, look at brain development, how we learn and the imagination, as well as how to gift this art to others. In this workshop we will identify and practice the structure of a story and how to craft and deliver your own story. We will all leave with a sense of magic and possibility after an evening of storytelling! 

Please bring a notebook and a beginner's mind.

Students can attend free of charge. Cost for teachers is $15 - please pay in person and sign up by emailing

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The Art of Storytelling
from $25.00