Spring Equinox Qigong - Honoring our Wood/Tree Element, Liver Organ System, and New Growth and Creativity
A Qigong workshop with Betsy McDonald
Saturday, March 18th, 2023 - 10.30am - 12.30pm
As we approach the March 20th Equinox, we’ll gather together to prepare our inner soil for planting and new growth with Qigong movements, sounds and Q’ero shaman ceremony.
The Equinox is a perfect time to clear and plant, as our planet is balanced with equal light and dark. Our practices will clear liver toxins accumulated from our lives and the inheritance from our ancestral lines. We will open a healthy energetic flow to transform the energies of anger, frustration and unworthiness to courage, clarity and creativity. In addition, we’ll honor and connect to the tree spirits, the Malkikuna (Quechua), those beings we live in reciprocity with as we share the magical act of breathing. From our ancient Bristlecone Pines to Pinyons, Junipers and Jeffries, we are blessed here to be surrounded by these amazing beings that can teach us so much about persistence, patience, rootedness and creativity.
If you'd like, bring a small picture or sketch of a tree on paper you would like to honor (approx 8” x 8”), and gather some small, local offerings that are compostable (sage, rosemary, flower petals, etc.) for ceremony. We will have paper and offerings to share as well.
All movements may be modified to work with any limitations you may have at the moment. Qigong is a powerful healing modality, even if you just imagine or visualize the movements, so if you need to sit or even lie down, you will still receive the benefit.
No specialized attire or footwear is required. Please arrive in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. Masks not required but most certainly welcome.
About the teacher:
Betsy McDonald brings to this workshop her training, certification and experience
Wisdom Healing Qigong Level 3 teacher, The Chi Center, New Mexico
Full Mesa Carrier in the Q’ero Shaman Tradition of Peru (2018), initiations and ceremonies with Paqos in Cusco, Sacred Valley and Sacred Mountains of Peru September 2022.
Capacitar Teacher, Simple Energy Practices for Self Healing and Empowerment
End of Life Doula, University of Vermont Medical School
Website: https://deepestvalleyqigong.com/
Podcast: https://weavers_healers.buzzsprout.com/
Blog: https://70by70.com/
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