The Beaver

(inside part) Ray Cirino

Bringing an education of how important the Beaver is in our environment, which humans took away by hunting them down. The Beaver stops fires, floods and brings life to the desert, it supports hundreds of species of animals and plants.

About the Artist

Ray Cirino has been drawing and painting since he was very young. He loves mixing artforms with a Functional spin to provide a large canvas to explore the ultimate possibilities applying his toolkit for Permaculture.

Ray is an advocate for regenerative living and nearly all of his projects reflect those ideals and are both a piece of Functional Art that lasts for generations.

He created Water Woman installations from 1995 - 2007 at Burning Man, with 55 years of woodworking, over 30 years of metal/welding experience (rocket stoves) and creating cob structures as Functional Art.