Nature’s Reinvention Map: Navigating Big Transitions on the Way to Your Calling

A workshop with Rikk Hansen

Saturday October 28th, 2023 - 3pm - 6pm

  • Has a work or life that used to be satisfying lost its spark?

  • Have you outgrown an old dream or fit-in-the-world, but don’t have clarity about a next, more true, direction?

  • Do you feel stuck, confused, or adrift with what’s next - and how to get there?

Drawing on 30 years experience as a reinvention coach and trainer of coaches, this workshop will share 5 keys from nature’s wisdom that redefine the path to a vital and fulfilling next chapter – to a life and work that feel like a calling. 

You’ll learn:

  • Why what used to work isn’t working anymore (and how to get the spark back)

  • The #1 mistake that keeps us stuck when making a big reinvention – and what to do instead.

  • How to find renewed clarity, purpose, and passion – to guide a next chapter that’s more alive and fulfilling.

In the company of others who are also navigating this “time between dreams, you’ll gain a freeing new map for growth that’s both ancient and cutting-edge, leading to a next path that lights you up – living the life you want while making a difference you care about.

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
~ Howard Thurman


Led by Rikk Hansen

Rikk Hansen brings a long and rich background in career and leadership coaching - with a special love for supporting people who are wanting, or in the midst of, big life/work reinventions. These are times of both great discomfort and deep growth; important thresholds into new chapters of greater aliveness, satisfaction, & purpose. Yet our culture, with its flawed messages about success, offers little support when we're leaving behind old dreams & identities (by choice or not), to follow an insistent call that there is something more we came here to do. A Californian who is relatively new to Bishop, Rikk currently serves a local nonprofit - while exploring and soaking up the Eastern Sierra's wild beauty.

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Nature's Reinvention Map - a workshop with Rikk Hansen
from $30.00