Party Ravens of the Eastside

Lori Michelon

I am a printmaker and a drawer and I love the Eastside. I am not, however, inspired to make landscapes - I prefer objects and lately, Mythological Hybrids, also I’ve been enjoying making bits and pieces that coalesce into a tidy whole. I pull from my own background (Western European) and local lore (the West), as well as pop culture. Hybrids, mythological creatures, come in peace. We need to welcome them. I’ve been enjoying making bits and pieces that coalesce into a tidy whole.

About the Artist

I first came to the Eastern Sierra to camp when I was 5 months old! Since then, this area has been a big part of my life - many many years of living first in Mammoth, then Tom’s Place. Scattered here and there were other wonderful living places: San Francisco, Reno, Orange County, France, and Sonoma County. All good places for a variety of reasons. It’s always important to get some perspective. I have an MFA in printmaking from CSULB - received in 2005, after commuting to Long Beach from Tom’s Place for five years! Printmaking is my love - it’s the BEST: labor-intensive, meditative, and surprising. Now I run a small rural library in Crowley and run a smol makerspace there on Thursday afternoons!

Instagram @lorileeandherart