Riparian Willows

Janice Kabala

In the waning days of Winter, when the Valley's willow don their' crimson cloaks, time itself seems to hang heavy in the air, weaving its intricate tapestry across the desert landscape. Here amidst the arid expanse, where the earth thirsts for the touch of moisture and life seems suspended in an eternal struggle against the elements, a peculiar phenomenon unfolds.

As if commanded by some unseen force, a stark line of fresh snow emerges, juxtaposed against the dry ochre sands, slicing the terrain with a precision that defies the chaotic nature of the surrounding wilderness. It is a boundary not merely of elevation but of time itself, a temporal frontier where past and present converge in a silent dance of contrasts.

About the Artist

Janice has been fascinated with the ever changing beauty of the Eastern Sierra for over 40 years and paints with a palate from this natural beauty. Born in San Francisco and trained at SFSU she has enjoyed raising a family that loves the area also.

Instagram @kabala_arts_stuido