
Dana Ellis

This piece is truly about place. Where we come from: the stars. Where we are now: our desert home. Where we go, acknowledging death and the mystery of it. This piece also speaks of commonality/community with all beings on this planet as we are all made of flesh, blood, and bone.

About the Artist

My name is Dana Ellis.

I grew up in Southern California, graduated from UC Davis with a degree in art, and lived in London for a few years before landing in the Eastern Sierra in 1989.

It was here that I met and married my husband, raised my daughter, and built my my forever home out of straw bales in Swall Meadows.


I am an artist who keeps her day job as a middle school art teacher. I am deeply connected to this arid landscape I call home, it feeds my soul on a daily basis and thus my art. Living in this pocket of wild keeps me grounded and aware of my place on this planet and the peril we as a species have put our home in. My art reflects my struggle to process ALL that is happening and my belief that even in despair we need beauty.

Instagram @thundertwinkie