Adrift on Desert Shores

Alyssa Marquez

This mural speaks to the importance of quiet and peaceful places within a community where people can go to think, daydream and grow food and create in nature. Our culture does not value slowing down, does not provide people with the time and space to do these activities. Each of the three humans in this mural are breaking that cycle by sitting peacefully in a surreal natural landscape. They represent quiet contemplation, daydreaming and creating/growing. Our culture tends to view these acts as mundane or unproductive, but I argue that these acts are powerful, necessary and create compassionate and strong people.

About the Artist

Alyssa is a local multi-media artist living in Chalfant Valley, CA. Alyssa was educated at Humboldt State University and obtained a master’s degree in Wildlife Management and Conservation, with a minor in Scientific Scuba diving. In 2018 she diverged from traditional paths as she ventured into the realm of self-taught artistry.

Alyssa’s work spans sculptures, installations, printmaking, murals, and mixed-media paintings. She utilizes a wide range of mediums including watercolor, oils, inks, acrylic, textiles, digital, found objects, and wood. Alyssa's artistic journey is deeply rooted in her fascination with the natural world.

Her artwork delves into the often-overlooked intricacies of the natural and man-made world, focusing on the beauty of small organisms, microscopic processes and hidden features in landscapes. Alyssa's work challenges conventional notions of beauty by representing creatures that are often stigmatized or considered taboo. Her artwork serves as a bridge between science and art, inviting viewers to explore the wonders of the universe and to reconsider their perceptions of the world around them.

Alyssa’s art can be found locally on the Black Sheep Coffee Roaster mural and temporarily at the Rambler Brewery, Mono Sierra Lodge and the Mono Arts Council. She will also have a collaborative installation piece displayed along Main Street from May – November 2024 for the Art in Storefronts Project.

Instagram @lyss.marquez