Movin’ and Groovin’

Movement workshops with Karen Rivas

2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, 11.30am - 12.30pm

April date 4/27

(There will NOT be a movement workshop on 4/13)

These dance classes are geared toward children 4-11 years old and will be a bilingual class taught in both Spanish and English. The main goal is to have fun and express ourselves through dance. At each session, we will learn to connect various dance movements to different styles of music. Further exploring how music can make us feel in different ways. Children are recommended to bring a water bottle, comfortable and easy-to-move in clothes/shoes, and an open mindset!

En español:

Estas classes de baile son para niños de 4-11 años y seran enseñadas en español e ingles. La meta principal es que los niños se diviertan y se expresen atraves del baile. En cada session, aprenderan como conectar differentes pasos a varios estilos de musica. Tambien, exploraran como la music nos hace sentir emocionalmente. Se recomienda que traigan una botella de agua, zapatos y ropa comoda, y una mente abierta!

Hello my name is Karen and I am 17 years old! Most of my dance experience has come from being on my high school’s dance team; however, I have experience in choreographing different numbers and routines for all ages. Most importantly, I enjoy teaching and learning whenever I can! 

These are drop-in sessions, no advance registration is required! Cost for sessions is on a sliding scale $10/$15/$20