Collage Critters and their Stories!

A collage and storytelling workshop with Erin Boehme

Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 - 3.45pm - 5.15pm

What stories can be told through object, color, texture and shape? Through a collection of materials, young artists will explore, experiment and create creatures that will come alive into vivid stories!

This workshop enters through storytelling and the imagination, allowing for all manner of fun, adventure and invention to emerge.

Each participant will create a finished collage piece and top it off with narration or story, planting the seed for many adventures to come.

All materials will be provided, however, found objects and items of your own interest may be brought along to add to the creation collection.

This is a mixed age class, all ages 4 and up welcome- you are never too old to create a story!

Register below using our sliding scale payment structure.

Click HERE for more info about the sliding scale payment structure

Collage Critters and Storytelling
from $12.00
Sliding Scale Level:
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